Compounded by the weaker currency, this means that local assets are looking cheaper from an international perspective, and local savers are likely to be motivated to move their money out of deposit accounts. 与(香港当地)汇率走弱联系在一起,这意味着从国际角度看,当地资产更为便宜,而当地储户可能会有将自己的资金挪出储蓄账户的冲动。
Zhou's proposal to move to a new reserve currency along the lines of the S.D.R.'s, or special drawing rights, in which the International Monetary Fund leeps its accounts. 于是,周小川提议,以由国际货币基金组织记账的特别提款权(简称SDR)为基础,转入一种全新的储备货币。
The trading volume in the new contract will largely depend on the extent to which the Chinese currency flows out of the mainland and accumulates in the accounts of offshore investors. 新合约的交易量将在很大程度上取决于有多少人民币流出内地、并在离岸投资者账户上积累。
The region of Asia needs a kind of currency of native area urgently to exercise the international currency functions, such as balance of accounts and reserves, getting away from disadvantageous circumstances of US dollar dependence. 亚洲地区迫切需要一种本地区的货币来行使结算和储备等国际货币功能,摆脱长期依赖美元的不利处境。